
How Does GST Registration Work For You?

Any business offering sale of goods with annual turn over of 40 lacs or service with annual turn over of 20 lacs would require the registration for GST and have a valid GST Number.



We help you get a Secure GST Identification Number.

Step 1


We make it easy for you to get your GST from the comfort of your own home.

Step 2


We will file your returns and complete all other compliances as and when required.

Step 3

  GST Registration Online - An Overview

Launched on July 1 2017, the Goods & Services Tax (GST) applies to all Indian service providers (including freelancers), traders and manufacturers. The GST is an all-in-one tax that subsumes a variety of state (VAT, Entertainment Tax, Luxury Tax, Octroi) and central taxes (CST, Service Tax, Excise Duty). GST is to be charged at every step of the supply chain, with full set-off benefits available. The procedure for GST is entirely online and requires no manual intervention.

  What are the components of GST?

GST will have 3 tax components, which includes a central component (Central Goods and Services Tax or CGST) and a state component (State Goods and Services Tax or SGST) where centre and state will levy GST on all entities, i.e. when a transaction happens within a state. Inter-state transactions will attract the Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST), to be levied by the centre, i.e. when a transaction happens one state to another.

  What are the GST tax rates?

Items that are considered basic necessities come under exempt list i.e. they are not taxed.

   What is a GST Return?

A GST Return is a document containing details of income that is required to be filed as per the law with the tax authorities. Under the GST law, a taxpayer has to submit two returns on a monthly basis and one such return annually. All returns have to be filed online. Please note that there is no provision for revising the returns. All invoices for the previous tax period that went unreported must be included in the current month.

   Mandatory documents for Online GST registration

A GST Return is a document containing details of income that is required to be filed as per the law with the tax authorities. Under the GST law, a taxpayer has to submit two returns on a monthly basis and one such return annually. All returns have to be filed online. Please note that there is no provision for revising the returns. All invoices for the previous tax period that went unreported must be included in the current month.

The list of documents required for registration of GST for various business are as follows:

   Preparation of GST application

One of our GST representatives will collect all the required documents and process the GST application through the iCFO platform.

   GST Return Filing

A GST Return Filing is a return document that contains details of the income of the taxpayer. It has to be filed with the GST administrative authority. The document is used tax authorities to calculate the tax liability of a GST taxpayer. A GST Return Filing form has to include the following details.

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