Online Trademark Registration | Trademarks Registration

How Does Online Trademark Registration Work?

Give your brand a unique identity by registering its Trademark online with Vakilsearch.



Trademark Search

We conduct a thorough search of the TM directory

Step 1


Discussion on Class

Advice on the classes you need to apply under

Step 2


Regular Updates

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Step 3

  Trademark Registration Online in India - An Overview

A trademark can be defined as the unique identity that makes your product or service stand out from the rest. The unique identity or expression can be a logo, photograph, slogan, word, sound, smell, colour combination or graphics. Most of the businesses usually look for registration of logo or name only. If you have come up with a unique idea or logo, then the only way to protect it as your own unique identity is to patent it. A registered trademark is your business’s intellectual property or intangible asset. It acts as a protective cover of the company’s investment made in the logo or brand.

  What can you Trademark? Who can all apply for Trademark?

According to the trademark rules of India, items like sound, logo, words, phrases, colours, images, symbols, initials or a combination of all these can be trademarked. All of these should be made use to make your business stand out from the rest.A trademark application can be done by private firms, individuals, companies, LLP’s, or NGO’s. In the case of NGOs, LLP’s or companies, the trademark has to be applied for registration in the name of the concerned business.

  How we help with Trademark Registration? A detailed Trademark application filing process

We help in your trademark search by conducting the search using trademark(™) director. We also conduct a detailed check on the trademark logo and brand name that you had selected to ensure that it is not yet registered under anybody else’s name. The trademark can be registered once it is found to be unique. In case your logo or brand name is already registered by someone else, we help you find ways to modify it so that your registration does not get cancelled.

  Documents needed for Trademark Registration

An authorization letter that is duly signed by you allows us to file for trademark registration on behalf of you. After receiving the authorization letter, we start with the preparation of your documents, file the application online and also pay for it. Soon, you receive the confirmation of the application, and you will get the right to use the ™ symbol

  Important things know about the online Trademark Registration Process

Nowadays, with the advent of technological advancements, a trademark registration can be easily made online. You can get the help of a registered Trademark attorney to file online without taking an effort to visit the registry office.

  Trademark symbols and their usages

ou get the R symbol as soon as you file the trademark application for registration. This symbol helps protect the trademark from getting copied by others.

  Who should file income tax return?

Every company, be it Private limited, LLP or partnership irrespective of the income or loss must file IT returns Individuals enjoying income from mutual funds, bonds, stocks, fixed deposits, income from interest, house property,etc amit kumar

FAQs on Filing a Trademark

The Trademark Registry has classified goods and services under 45 classes. Your application must mention the trademark class/classes the goods/services represent. The trademark would be registered under those classes only.

If your trademark is similar to an existing application, would hurt religious sentiments, contains geographical names or common words. It would also be rejected if it is likely to cause confusion. So you can't register the word 'car' for a car brand, but may do so for a brand of electronics.

As soon as you file the application, you receive an acknowledgement, which gives you the right to use the ™ symbol. Once it's registered, you can use the ® symbol.

As soon as you file the application, you receive an acknowledgement, which gives you the right to use the ™ symbol. Once it's registered, you can use the ® symbol.

Before settling on a brand name, you need to check if it can acquire the legal rights necessary to hold on it. This is because the commercial rights to a brand name belong to the owner of its trademark. To find out if yours has already been taken, you can run a trademark search, which is basically a database search of India’s Intellectual Property Database. Now, running the search is easy. Begin by selecting the wordmark and typing in the word/s you want to register. The results will tell you whether there already is another registration in that name.

If your brand name has already been registered, but under a different class, you're still in luck. Unless the brand is too well known (McDonald’s or Fiat, let’s say), your application is likely to be approved. If, on the other hand, a trademark has been registered by another brand after you began using it, you should take the matter seriously. Find out the origin of the goods and send the office a cease-and-desist letter. Although it does not apply exclusively to intellectual property, such a letter is usually sent in cases of infringement. If the party does not cease and desist from selling the goods with your trademark within the time mentioned in the letter, you may take them to court.




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