Trademark Watch Company | Trademark Watch Services

How Does Trademark Watch Work For You?

A Trademark Watch would keep you informed of any attempts to register the same or similar trademarks to your own.



Tell us about your brand and the business behind it.

Step 1


We capture mentions of identical or similar brands.

Step 2


You are presented with the information in real-time.

Step 3

  What is Trademark Watch?

Registering a trademark is the first step towards protecting your brand name. A trademark is a symbol and can be anything from a name, picture, and word to even a label or a sound. Once registered, it can be a precious asset for a business as with a trademark, the business can project its unique positioning to the consumers.

  What are the benefits of Trademark Watch?

There are a number of benefits that a trademark watch service can bring to your business. The whole idea of registering a trademark for a business is to assert its rights. Once your trademark gets registered, you may think that your rights are covered. But, this does not happen always. All new trademark applications need to go through scrutiny by an official trademark examiner. However, an examiner, due to lack of knowledge or otherwise, may still approve a new trademark with competing similarities. An efficient trademark watch service can prevent such a situation in time and can protect your legal rights. It would keep you informed of any attempts to register a trademark, having any kind of resemblance (visual, phonetic etc) to that of your own. The earlier a trademark misuse is identified, the easier it is for you to act against such infringements and to enforce your trademark rights.

  What are the reasons for choosing our trademark watch service? ( Checklist)

We value trademarks as unique creations for promoting your brand. Hence, we design a customized trademark watch parameter to suit your unique needs. Here is a checklist for you to understand why our trademark watch service is a cut above others

  How to avail of our services for Trademark Watch?

You discuss your business and brand with our lawyers. The lawyers recommend the variations on your brand name that need to be tracked. We have access to the database of all trademark filings across industries. We keep a watch on all new filings. With the help of it, we capture the mention of similar or identical brands

  Documents required

Authorization letter

Affidavit of usage

Examination report

Trademark hearing notice

Documentary proof of Trademark in commercial use.

The duly appointed applicant or the attorney has to appear before the authorities, on the scheduled date

  Trademark symbols and their usages

ou get the R symbol as soon as you file the trademark application for registration. This symbol helps protect the trademark from getting copied by others.

  Who should file income tax return?

Every company, be it Private limited, LLP or partnership irrespective of the income or loss must file IT returns

Individuals enjoying income from mutual funds, bonds, stocks, fixed deposits, income from interest, house property,etc

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s of utmost importance to your business. The earlier a trademark misuse is identified, the easier it is for you to act against such infringements and to enforce your trademark rights.

You should register your trademark with the Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.

A registered trademark can be a precious asset for your business as with it, your business can project its unique positioning to the consumers. By registering a trademark, you can also avoid potential litigations and future disputes and you can focus on the more important job of building your brand reputation.




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